Month: May 2013

  • It’s like I’m staring at my ugliness.  If anyone wants to take the test it’s 

  • failbook

    She’s obviously very talented but I don’t understand why the kid’s skin color was made lighter. I’m sure it wasn’t intentional, but it’s just silly to me. 


  • may goals

    Take better care of myself.

    removing my makeup before bed every night, disinfecting contacts and the case after every use (I’m gross sometimes, I know), blowdrying my hair, exfoliating a few times a week, going to bed early, and taking time out of every day to relax. Cash in my coin jar and use the money to go for a massage.

    Grow less dependent on my phone.

    not compulsively checking facebook every time I have a free minute, leaving my phone in my bedroom when I’m taking a shower, and not being rude and checking it while I’m talking to people.  It’s kind of out of control.

    Get my life organized.

    Make my bed everyday, take 20 minutes out of the day for light cleaning, organizing my closet, and cleaning out my junk drawers

    Keep healthy

    Keep up with exercising twice a day.  Use the trampoline for a fun, quick cardio session everyday, and get my arms nice and toned.  Alcohol in moderation and no smoking.  Use my accupressure mat and wear sunscreen when I’m outside. 

    Stay positive

    Keep up with my “positivity jar” (I’ll explain in another entry), roll with life’s punches and make the best out of bad situations.  Ignore people who anger me, and always ask myself “will this matter a year from now?” Look up positive and recovery quotes and images on tumblr.  Treat everyone kindly and always be there for my friends and family. 

    Continue to expand my mind and horizons

    Check CNN twice a day,  and try and read the paper as often as I can.  Download new music to listen to on my way to work instead of listening  to the same CDs over and over again.  Find a new book to read.  Continue cooking, and try and watch a new movie every Friday night after work.  Finish my book of poems and start my book of essays. 

  • feeling loved

    I sometimes feel under appreciated and that a lot of people don’t care about my feelings.  

    The past two days I’ve just been great.

    My parents got home from vacation, and they told me they missed me a lot.  They got me all these neat souvenirs, like these Bermuda lucky stone earrings and a dream box.  We’re going out to lunch on Saturday to catch up on everything.

    One of my close friends posted a picture of a big stack of presents and they’re all for my birthday.  She wrapped them so pretty and the fact that she thought of me made me smile so big. 

    Today was my 2 year anniversary with my company.  My scumbag assistant supervisor didn’t bother saying anything to me, but two of my clients remembered.  They both congratulated me, and one even said “There’s not a person on Earth like you, you really do care about me” which of course choked me up, but felt really good.

    Then my old friend, Yoni, who I haven’t spoken to in like, 6 years messaged me on facebook. 

    “This might be totally random but I had this memory of you the other day. I hadn’t thought about it in years but I just thought of how we used to walk the track together in gym class when we were in high school and we would just walk and talk for the whole period. I used to look forward to that. Anyway the thought made me smile and I felt compelled to say hello.”

    We caught up for a bit, and agreed to meet up if he ever comes back to town or I find myself in the city.  It’s nice talking to old friends. 




  • high

    on life

    Ever since I counseled that group for a grade I’ve been on cloud nine.  I’m usually a pretty happy person, but I just feel so like, warm and calm and at peace.

    Now I feel more secure with my career path and just about life in general.  Like I can do anything, even if I’m scared. 

    I hope this lasts.

  • been listening to this for 2 days

    Can’t wait to see The Great Gatsby

  • countdowns

    Exactly 1 month til Atlantic City
    1 month 18 days until my birthday
    2 months 13 days until Miami
    2 months 14 days until Cuba
    3 months 4 days until family cruise
    3 months 11 days until Breaking Bad premieres

    Going to be a fun Summer. 

  • 2013 bucket list update

    Already did a couple of these and we’re not even half way through the year

    Achievements to unlock: 2013

    Celebrate Chocolate Covered February in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
    Sample different beers once a month
    Go the Spy exhibit in Times Square
    Try Nuvo liquor
    Have a girls day in the city with @lovelybish
    Attend a bar mitzvah  
    Go to a Knicks/Rapters game
    Go kayaking in Lake Peconic
    Buy a typewriter
    Take the train out to Montauk.
    See The Sleeping Beauty ballet
    See Mama Mia on Broadway
    See Annie on Broadway
    Try intermittent fasting
    Make homemade sangria
    Add at least $2,000 to my savings
    Open up a new savings account at TD
    Go horseback riding on the beach
    Finish the Y: The Last Man series
    Donate 10 items from my closet (baby steps)
    Land a substance abuse counseling internship
    Take a summer or weekend class in graduate school
    Complete a DIY project
    Learn 20 new phrases in French
    24 hour technology cleanse
    Learn another song on my harmonica
    Go to P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center
    Do 50 chair dips without taking a break
    Spend a Saturday or Sunday in the city by myself.  
    Buy a Michael Kors watch
    Memorize a poem.
    Start watching Game of Thrones